Polished marble is a building material, usually made of naturally occurring minerals. The staining of marble depends on the properties of the minerals from which the marble is made and the environmental factors to which it is exposed.
Primarily, the composition of minerals in the structure of marble determines the risk of staining. For example, marble containing calcium carbonate can be sensitive to acidic substances and staining or decomposition can occur when it comes into contact with acids. In addition, stains can occur depending on the content of liquids that are poured on the marble. For example, coffee, wine or fruit juices can stain marble.
In addition, if the surface of the marble is rough, this can also increase the risk of staining. A rough surface provides more space for stains to form and can lead to the accumulation of dirt and dust. It is therefore important to clean marble surfaces regularly and protect them with protective coatings.
As a result;
The most critical issue regarding marble cleaning methods is the cleaning materials used. Purified water, descretizers and synthetic-based materials are not suitable for marble. For the cleaning of marbles, choose cleaning materials such as natural, arabic soap, which are non-acidic and zero PH value suitable for cleaning marbles.
Proper cleaning of polished marble ensures its longevity and preserves its beautiful appearance. Here are some steps for cleaning polished marble:
- First of all, you can use a gentle vacuuming or an electric vacuum cleaner to get rid of the large dust and dirt on the marble surface.
- Next, apply a neutral cleaner to the surface of the marble. This cleaner removes stains and dirt without damaging the structure of the marble. Usually, a mixture of water and a little soap or a marble cleaner specially formulated for marble can be used, you can also use soap arabic (a little soap in a bucket with plenty of water).
- Use a soft brush or cloth to clean the marble. Avoid using hard or abrasive brushes or sponges, as this can damage the surface of the marble.
- After cleaning the marble surface, rinse off any cleaner residue and dry the surface with a cloth or towel.
- To keep the marble surface shiny, you can apply a protective coating. The marble protective coating protects the marble from staining and damage and preserves its shine.
One thing to note, however, is that you should avoid using acidic cleaners or abrasive cleaners on the marble surface. These types of cleaners can destroy the structure of the marble and cause stains and scratches on the surface.